Project Milestones

1. Project Information – Due February 16, 2025 (11PM)

You must first complete and save your Project Information Milestone before you are allowed to begin filling out your other milestones. Here, you will enter your project title and select your teacher/sponsor from the drop-down box.

If your teacher/sponsor is not listed, you can choose "1 - temporary" for now and ask your teacher to email so we can add their information to the dropdown.

Having a teacher/sponsor register allows the teacher to monitor their students' project registration progress.

2. Additional Registration Information – Due February 16, 2025 (11PM)

Coriell has historically gathered details during registration which cannot be accommodated by STEM Wizard, so in this milestone you will find a few random fields such as race/ethnicity, phonetic spelling of your name, your age, and the best contact number for fair day.

For help on how to phonetically spell out your name, use this document as a reference.

3. Files and Forms – Due February 23, 2025 (11PM)

a. How to identify which ISEF forms required for your project:

  • The first time you enter the Files and Forms milestone, you will complete the ISEF Rules Wizard to identify which ISEF forms you need to submit for your project by clicking on the blue "CONTINUE" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Answer each of the nine ISEF Project Wizard questions and click SUBMIT at end.
  • The Rules Wizard will now generate a list of the required forms for your project. You should review this list with your adult sponsor. All students are required to submit ISEF forms 1 (Adult Sponsor Checklist), 1a (Student Checklist) and 1b (Approval Form) and a Research Plan form. Additional forms may be required depending on scope of the project.

b. Download and complete the ISEF forms for your project:

  • You'll now have yellow buttons available with the options to manage your ISEF forms.
  • Click on the yellow "DOWNLOAD REQUIRED FILES" button to download a zip file that contains all the files that are required for your project.
  • Open the files and complete the forms. Forms can be completed electronically or by hand. Forms may be signed with a digital signature. Digital signatures must have a verification system via login and have a time and date stamp to indicate this authentication.

c. Then upload your completed forms by following these steps:

  • IMPORTANT: Each form must be uploaded as a separate file.

    I. Click on the yellow "UPLOAD YOUR FILES" button.

    II. Check the box of the file you want to upload and click on the blue "UPLOAD FILE" button immediately below.

    III. Click the red "CHOOSE FILE" button in the popup window and select the file on your computer.

    IV. You MUST hit “UPLOAD” to properly save the forms, otherwise they will not be appear within STEM Wizard.

  • Repeat steps I - IV for each form you need to upload.
  • Once you select a checkbox and upload a form, that checkbox will then become bold so you know it has already been used.

d. NOTE about ISEF Forms:

  • Do not combine or merge files into one document. Any forms that are uploaded as one file will be rejected.
  • Forms may be signed with a digital signature. Digital signatures must have a verification system via login and have a time and date stamp to indicate this authentication.
  • If you complete the forms by hand and do not have access to a scanner or scanning app, you can download the STEM Wizard Form Uploader App that allows you to take photos of your required forms and upload them directly into STEM Wizard using your mobile device.

4. Revisions – Due February 23, 2025 (11PM)

If you have received an email stating corrections and or revisions are needed to your paperwork, please send in to

5. Abstract – Due February 28, 2025 (11PM)

The abstract should explain what was done and what happened. It should include the following details:

  1. purpose of the experiment
  2. procedure
  3. data
  4. conclusions

The abstract may also include any possible research applications. Only minimal reference to previous work may be included.

The abstract should not include the following:

  1. acknowledgments (including naming the research institution and/or mentor with which you were working), or self-promotions and external endorsements
  2. work or procedures done by the mentor

Abstracts are limited to a maximum 250 words.

6. In-Person Fair Requirements – March 2, 2025 (11PM)

Here you will upload the newly required "Project Preview" document. This document is meant to be a summary of your work; tell the judges what inspired you, what challenges you stumbled upon, or if you were able to make any new discoveries!

All uploads must be in PDF format and should be titled "Project Preview." NO SCHOOL NAMES OR STUDENT LAST NAMES MAY APPEAR ON THIS DOCUMENT. For more formatting requirements, be sure to visit Coriell's In-Person Fair Document Guidelines page.

This milestone is currently set to required, as we are planning for an in-person event. If for any reason we must transition to a virtual Fair, a different set of requirements are in place and are outlined in milestone 6 (below).