Aliquot Size:
5 µg each
Males: 46 Females: 48
Brief Description:
This panel contains 5 micrograms of DNA from 94 unique and unrelated White non-Hispanic individuals from North America without neurological disorders. Of these, 46 are males and 48 are females, with an age at collection ranging from 58 through =>90 years. Data collected on these subjects consisted of Control Clinical Data Elements as outlined in the Coriell NINDS Genetics Repository guidelines. These data include a detailed medical and family history. None have a history of neurological illness in themselves, nor a first degree relative with a known primary neurological disorder. A more detailed description is also available. As an internal control, ND09230 appears twice on the panel, in F08 and well H12. Well C02 is empty for addition of a laboratory control.
Plate Layout:
The specific position on the plates has been randomized to reduce any possibility of systematic errors during the genotyping process.
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PubMed ID: 27571260 |
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PubMed ID: 25585270 |
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PubMed ID: 21562248 |