Disease | Family Class | Family Type | Family Count |
Alzheimer's Disease | ZERO AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 1 |
Cerebrovascular Disease | | case-spouse | 1 |
| MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 96 |
| | control family with at least 3 members, no proband | 3 |
| | extended family | 7 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 16 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 317 |
| | identical twins, concordant | 4 |
| | identical twins, concordant, plus additional family member(s) | 2 |
| | identical twins, discordant, plus additional family member(s) | 3 |
| | parent(s) and child(ren) | 3 |
| | parent/child | 1 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 133 |
| | siblings | 17 |
| | spouses | 1 |
| | trio | 7 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 116 |
| | discordant sib pair | 19 |
| | extended family | 1 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 4 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 67 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 2 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 8 |
| | siblings | 9 |
| | trio | 1 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | spouses | 6 |
Dystonia | MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 4 |
| | extended family | 3 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 1 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 22 |
| | non-nuclear relatives | 1 |
| | parent/child | 3 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 3 |
| | siblings | 4 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 2 |
| | control family with at least 3 members, no proband | 1 |
| | discordant sib pair | 1 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 1 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 15 |
| | individual with multiple cell lines | 1 |
| | non-nuclear relatives | 1 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 2 |
| | siblings | 2 |
| | trio | 3 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | spouses | 1 |
Epilepsy | MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 583 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 102 |
| | identical twins, concordant | 1 |
| | identical twins, concordant, plus additional family member(s) | 1 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 455 |
| | siblings | 30 |
| | trio | 26 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 30 |
| | concordant sib pair | 1 |
| | discordant sib pair | 6 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 31 |
| | identical twins, discordant | 1 |
| | identical twins, discordant, plus additional family member(s) | 1 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 1 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 163 |
| | trio | 755 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | spouses | 22 |
Frontotemporal Degeneration | ONE AFFECTED | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 2 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 1 |
| | individual with multiple cell lines | 1 |
Motor Neuron Disease | MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 1 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 1 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 5 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 428 |
| | discordant sib pair | 6 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 24 |
| | identical twins, discordant | 3 |
| | individual with multiple cell lines | 3 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 7 |
| | trio | 16 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | spouses | 2 |
Parkinsonism | MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 68 |
| | control family with at least 3 members, no proband | 1 |
| | extended family | 3 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 4 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 23 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 5 |
| | siblings | 1 |
| | spouses | 2 |
| | trio | 1 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 630 |
| | discordant sib pair | 18 |
| | extended family | 1 |
| | family pair other than sibs or parent-child | 3 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 120 |
| | identical twins, discordant | 2 |
| | individual with multiple cell lines | 14 |
| | non-nuclear relatives | 1 |
| | parent(s) and child(ren) | 2 |
| | parent/child | 1 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 58 |
| | siblings | 2 |
| | trio | 4 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 1 |
| | control family with at least 3 members, no proband | 3 |
Tourette Syndrome | | trio | 1 |
| MORE THAN ONE AFFECTED | concordant sib pair | 1 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 30 |
| | identical twins, concordant, plus additional family member(s) | 3 |
| | identical twins, discordant, plus additional family member(s) | 1 |
| | parent/child concordant pair | 22 |
| | spouses | 1 |
| | trio | 102 |
| ONE AFFECTED | case-spouse | 4 |
| | family with at least 3 members, including 1 proband, not a trio | 48 |
| | parent/child discordant pair | 118 |
| | siblings | 1 |
| | trio | 359 |
| ZERO AFFECTED | control family with at least 3 members, no proband | 1 |
| | spouses | 3 |